Wednesday, 22 February 2012

The Eve of cast removal!

So we are currently at RMH in Halifax! Lilybear has her appointment at the IWK tomorrow afternoon. We are having these silly, stinky casts taken off, and putting her into her new brace. I am feeling a ton of mixed emotions thinking about tomorrow. I can't wait to get rid of these casts though!

I feel a little anxious to see what her feet look like after the second surgery on her left foot. I am wondering where she kicked the stuffing out of the heels of the casts if her feet will be the way they are supposed to be. The nurse from IWK assured me that so long as her toes don't move, her heel didn't, but I am sorry to say I am still worried. . . Lilybear has been getting very fussy as of late. I think she is ready to be done of the casts too. Poor little girl. :(

We are getting her new brace on tomorrow, and I am happy to be moving forward again. I am also  nervous about the new brace as I'm not sure if it will be easier or harder to put on. I am not sure if Lilybear will be comfortable in it. I am worried about how much money the brace is, as we don't know yet if our insurance will cover it or not.

All this being said, I have faith enough to know that the Nurses, and our Dr at IWK know what they are doing, and I trust them to look after my girl :) Will post some pictures tomorrow after we get home from Halifax of Lilybears feet, and her new brace :)

What I'm looking forward to most. . . . is giving my baby girl a bath again!!!!! woo! No more stinky feet!

Good night all! Updates tomorrow evening!

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